Married But Couldn't enter Apq. ID:Kazeko (M) ReckFlash (F) Please help me . I had already got the ring .
Does your character have a heart next to its name if you double click on your character? If the heart is pink then you're married succesfully, if it's empty like on mine then you're not married at this time.
Oh! What should i do now? Is it the BUG ? And my wedding permit had losed when i start our wedding ..
If you were succesfully married, it looks like one of you two has already clicked the option stating you want a divorce. This would not be a bug.
But both 2 Charactor are my accounts. i have never apply divorce this option. When I done the Wedding I going to the party quest immediately.
Your characters aren't married at this time which is not caused by a bug. The only 2 causes can be: You didn't marry succesfully which can be caused by not talking to John during the wedding, or you divorced by talking to John in Amoria.