Closed Mati, Tim, Evan, Yan, Ray: Do you believe in the Death Penalty?

Discussion in 'Ban Appeal' started by jkmnnnn, Oct 1, 2018.

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  1. jkmnnnn

    jkmnnnn Member

    Sep 30, 2018
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    Character Name: MapleRoyalsPlayer
    Last thing you did: Playing the game
    Why do you think you got banned?: GM political intervention of the game
    Ban message when attempting to log in: Account has been deleted
    What GM banned you (optional): Mati, Tim, Evan, Yan, Ray

    Curious question, because the death penalty can be given to people who commit even their first offense. Now in a progressive society, we don't believe the the criminal justice system is about vengeance and making examples of people. In California USA specifically, we realized that it is the obligation of society to help people who have committed crimes to become rehabilitated into society. If someone does drugs because of their situation and circumstance, is the solution to give them a life sentence in prison? If so, why so? What did that solve exactly?

    People commit crimes for a variety of reasons, including situational responses to a current situation or training from their childhood. Judges in our justice system recognize that and and use digression by looking at the background and the situation of people disproportionately taken into the justice system. We realize that problems are more complex than "crime = x punishment", certain things require digression because not all laws are sensible. For example people who commit certain low harm crimes (such as doing certain drugs, which does not effect people around them in a whatsoever) don't need to be removed for society permanently, they should be rehabilitated, given time for education and reinserted into society. If they do, please explain why they do.

    Now I ask you GM's again, do you believe in the Death Penalty? When is it valid to throw people into prison forever? Do you think people in the real world who commit crimes such as doing drugs, such as theft, such as harassment, rape, murder... do they deserve life sentences or the death penalty? Is that how you vote in your nation, in your society currently? If not, why not?

    If you don't believe these things, why do you permanently ban uses for committing low harm offenses such as using a macro, logging in from different computers, GAINING WEALTH TOO FAST?? Perhaps the issue isn't the offense, but rather socially incompatible system you've built your game upon and how you regulate your game. When do you see people enjoying Maple Royals? When, typically, do you see that you ban people (PERMANENTLY, MIND YOU = DEATH PENALTY) for doing things such as using a macro for training (what level are they, what is the situation of the game, how many people are actively playing, what were the possible alternatives)? You clearly act as if you believe in capital punishment while moderating this game. Please, explain yourselves? Does it align with your political beliefs in real life?

    Please evaluate yourselves. You seem to be permanently banning people left and right for minor offenses with no digression. Perhaps you don't realize how much you effect the people you hurt. It's clear you're not going to unban anyone, so please ensure that you've aligned yourself politically with how you treat your Maple Royals community members (yes, even the ones you don't like).

    Good bye.
  2. Tim

    Tim Administrator

    Apr 14, 2014
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    what we do is revoke access to our game from people that break the rules that we set (and that they agreed with upon account creation).
    If you would like to compare it to a real life scenario I wouldn't choose death penalty but for example:
    Someone has been speeding / creating dangerous driving situations excessively - their drivers' license gets revoked.
    or in a more extreme case:
    Someone has committed criminal offenses surrounding children - they are no longer permitted to live in areas designated for families with children.

    we don't end people's lifes for breaking our rules, we simply revoke their access to the game we host.
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