Is it possible for melee classes(other than Shadower) to fight the Showa Boss? How would one go about getting the accuracy needed? I'd imagine that only high dex stonetooth Heroes could manage.
No meele could hit it (needs above 400 accuracy ) but a really low hit rate might be possible with maple pops
It seems that you need 236 accuracy to even have a CHANCE to not miss this guy. Now that's a pretty tough point to reach for most warriors. A bit less hard for Buccaneers, I guess, and of course - Shadowers, as you point out. To hit 100%, you'd need 442 accuracy (342 + Maple Pop) which is kind of impossible - at least without neglecting major attack power. When it comes to the question on how to reach high accuracy, I guess the answer is scrolls. A Zakum Helm could technically have 40 extra accuracy from scrolls, and other equips can boost a fair deal as well, like bottomwear, shoes... Gloves also, but then you'd be forsaking ATT since it's quite easy to get ATT on gloves... This could be a whole different topic, according to me. It's quite interesting Oh by the way, the tool I use to calculate accuracy is this:
Actually I believe you hit him 39% of the time. But you have to admit, 187 is a remarkable accuracy level for a warrior and probably above average. However, I can now confirm that it IS possible to reach 342 base accuracy. In those calculations, I use some rather unrealistic pieces of equipment though, like a 42 DEX, 67 acc Zakum Helmet... It's just for fun people
Hmm, it seems difficult, but viable. That's it, my new endgame goal is to assemble a team of Warriors and Buccaneers to kill The Boss.