Easiest way would probably to sell ap resets (between 10-11m each) or teleport rocks (2m each). That would start you off with a good amount of start up mesos. Also if you are gaching mushroom shrine tends to give you a lot of scrolls you could sell for a good price.
My recommendation is to save up to 30k nx and buy the 35 gacha tickets. Gacha Locations: Mushroom Shrine/Zipangzu: Tons of useful 30% scrolls, Purple Gaia Cape (worth a bit), Chaos Scroll (easily 370m) NLC: White Scroll (easily 370m), Stonetooth sword (worth a bit), random 10% scrolls (1m~3m ish), some iTCG items (guide here): http://royals.ms/forum/threads/itcg-guide.14403/ Kerning (recommended if funded imo): Pink Gaia Cape (2 att 170m++, 3att 280m++, 4att~9att, you need to get lucky though), thief scrolls, GFA 30%/70% (I recently got some) BEWARE though you will get crap thieves eqs. Showa (recommended if well funded): Shield M.ATT 60% If you are too low (in terms of level) to Gacha, I'd recommend selling Tele rocks for 2m each. Much cheaper cost of nx imo. FYI: I believe it's level 50 that you can use Gacha Tickets. If you really want.. AP reset for 10m each. (Don't be that guy and sell it for over 11m) And I'd post more details but without knowing theses, That's the best I can help you with.
Just Vote everyday for 109 days, then buy 1000 gach tickets, and use it all on shrine when the demand for chaos is high for mesarz -Mudkipz2015
Kill green snails. Npc the green snail shells. EASY 10k in an hour or two, depending on the spawn. Also try prostituting yourself. I offered sexy dances in fm and this guy actually gave me 60 mill. Turns out, I'm quite the hoe. The only bad thing about that is that you feel horrible that you went to such lows to get money but just use a couple of those mills to buy some crack, and go be whore once more!
I know from personal experience that slimes are far superior. Slime bubbles sell for one hundred mesos a piece!
You say that you're level 69 and that your guild is poop. Saying that I'm not funny is absolutely rich coming from you. Get the fuck out of here.