Ever wonder how your items are doing in FM? I propose that there be an item sold from Frederick that gives you notifications in chat whenever your merchant sells an item. It would expire after a week or two. Thoughts?
Hm this sounds familiar. I believe there's already such an option in-game, but just not implemented yet...I may be wrong though. But I vaguely remember there's an item or something, which if you own, will prompt you which item was sold to who.
This was present in the korean p-server I played before royals. A blue message would show up saying what item was sold for how much in how many bundles leaving how many in stock. I think it could be part of the client already
This is a thing in new maple, and was a thing on another pserver too (oldschool) so i'd imagine it may be implemented like Kai says just not enabled/fully functional. Probably would require just a fix from Karven, and the idea itself is good i guess.