Truthfully, i cannot explain why this happened but when i logged in just after being done voting, i went immediately to the cash shop to purchase 5 ap scrolls and 6 tp rocks until no further i can buy. I went back on the game, checked out my inventory and noticed all my mesos went gone to 0, i had at least 310m before this happened. I looked at my equips, use , etc and setup but surprisingly nothing but my mesos went missing. I personally don't know wheter it is a hack or just an unfixed issue in the game but i changed my pw but even that wont change if it was a hack and he could've cracked the pw. It's all i can tell from what i know, sorry if there is no proof or evidence to this unknown issue. I would like to claim back the mesos iv'e love from this incident, it would really be apreciated. Thank you
Wrong place to post you are also not providing any IGN.