Mini-Boss - Meso Sink Ideas (Assorted)

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Apoc_Ellipsis, Jan 18, 2025.

  1. Apoc_Ellipsis

    Apoc_Ellipsis Donator

    Jul 18, 2023
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    I wanted to throw some mini-boss ideas out there that would serve the purpose of making mini-boss hunting more fruitful / Sink Mesos out of the economy, or some combination of the two. There are meant as various options and suggestions based on what the community (And staff) like best and think could be implemented.

    1. Create a sign in the Lounge/FM that for a set amount of mesos will allow you to check if a mini-boss is alive / alive in a certain channel. Perhaps either 1m/channel check, or 20m to check all 20 channels to see if a mini-boss is alive at all. This will not bring a player to the mini boss, but just allow players say Olaf farming to see if Mano, Stumpy, or Deo are currently spawned. Of course no additional info about spawn rates, just a simple (Is spawned / is not spawned ) [[unsure how hard it'd be given that many times players have to kill 1 mob to then get miniboss to spawn]]

    2. Create a financially negative solution to summon a mini boss. For example Mano is needed for Olaf, and can drop 100 and 250 NX coupons (~1m in value) Perhaps an option to summon a Mano outside the normal timer for 5,10, or 20m mesos.

    3. If not mesos, perhaps a quest that allows for the mini boss to be summoned. Example, collect 100 of each snail shell and you can bring this to an NPC who will summon Mano. This could be a good solution to those who need Manon as well if they had to collect say 250 of each of the Kentasaur parts to summon one Manon. It'd be doable for someone needing it for a quest, but just annoying enough to disincentivize anyone to bother NX farming for it (Similar to how nobody really farms Captain Lantica even though it drops NX and all you need is to defeat the mobs/get the essences)

    4. Create summon sacks, that are useful for Olaf quests. For example lets say you collected a Mushmom Spore, a Dark Tachion, and a Zakum Certificate & X mesos, you'd get a sack that'd summon either a Mano, Deo, or Stumpy at random which could be useful for lower level players to utilize. Obviously the items would need to make more sense, but just an example of what I mean.

    5. Figure out a way everyone can get along and not kill every Manon on the server Create some sort of penalty that reduces the prize if you kill more than 2 of a mini-boss within a set period. (I just wanted an odd number I doubt this would be popular)
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2025
  2. Dock

    Dock Donator

    Jun 14, 2019
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    I dont like some of the ideas personally.

    Making the game easier for people with mesos doesnt make any sense to me and it will mostly cause balancing issues. Considering the balance team already struggles with implementing class change I think this idea will somehow be exploitable for unseen reasons and make APR price drop.

    This game should be grindy. At the current state if you have enough mesos you could just rush to endgame in 1 month and skip all of the content. We should encourage people to want to spend time to achieve goals on their characters and not to make more shortcuts to an already quite "solved" game with a guide to everything.

    As for punishing people for killing more than a single area boss, I think that bosses that are required for quests shouldnt drop energizer or NX at all. If it doesnt benefit the farmers to hunt them, finishing the quest shouldn't be a problem. To make the content still alive id suggest increasing the EXP rates of theese bosses to encourage players who are not killing manon in 3 hits to explore this content, much like the exp buff gained from completeing quests or participating in party quests.
  3. TakeItEasy

    TakeItEasy Donator

    Jul 28, 2015
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    I did olaf a lot of times and I never encounters that much of an issue finding area bosses.
    Sure, sometimes its annoying to CC over 20 channels trying to find something but its part of the game
    NehZu and Sylafia like this.
  4. Cooler

    Cooler Donator

    Nov 16, 2018
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    They need to make area bosses drop cards at higher rate (excluding pianus) if your character is a higher level than the boss. I do not like clearing out all the channels for cards. I just want to get what I need and leave the other channels open for others.
  5. Reialtas

    Reialtas Active Member

    Mar 6, 2024
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    I'm mostly invested in this b/c of card farming too, it's frustrating to see people constantly ccing around area bosses for the tiny 100 or 250 nx they give when there are others who need the bosses for olaf and cards. It's also not a great feeling clearing them out for cards when you know people need them for olaf.

    I still think nx from area bosses should be capped somehow, and I'd also like to see card drop rates buffed slightly so that there's less incentive overall for anyone to be clearing out all channels at once.
    raywuu12 likes this.

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