IGN: Revolut / Plarium Issue: Missing 8wa FS I ran Shao yesterday with a friend on Revolut (Bucc) i then trade cgs over to pally and noticed my FS was missing
As normal items do not simply disappear, have you checked all of your related characters + storage? If so, please provide the last known date and time (UTC) of the WA 8 FS, and it was on which character (IGN)?
I’m be checked both characters and accounts I usually only trade cgs between these two characters depending on which boss I noticed on the 17/10/2024 at around 10pm ST I’ve also tried using buyback however it was not visible there either ign Revolut which I was trading gear to my paladin ( Plarium ) when I finished the trade I noticed I didn’t have my FS in either inventory
Usually for lost items, I would wait for a few days to see if the player found the item before escalating to the Admins - there have been cases of players simply misplacing the item instead of losing it (or the item disappeared)
Will forward your issue to the Admins for confirmation Note: As normal items don't simply get bugged like how NX items do, the FS may have been lost by accident