Mobs Not Spawning/Dropping Stuff

Discussion in 'Help & Advice' started by Dante, Aug 18, 2013.

  1. Dante

    Dante Donator

    Aug 5, 2013
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    London, Ontario, Canada
    Alright, so you are no longer having monsters spawn on your map? Monsters are being cheap and not giving you anything? Well, here's the solutions:

    Step 1: Press Q, or whatever is associated with your quest log. Which can also be accessed via SHORTCUT at the bottom right of your screen.

    Step 2: Go to Active quests and click on any quests you have listed. Forfeit should become orange on the right of the quest log, click that.

    Step 3: If forfeit is grayed out, then you've already forfeited the quest and that's not the issue.

    Step 4: Change channels. If that's worked for you, no need to continue on. Happy Mapling.

    Step 5: Still here? Alright, check if you're in a party through your social button which is by default associated with P, otherwise again, you can access it through SHORTCUT.

    Step 6: Are you in a party? Then leave it. Once you leave change channels.

    Step 7: If this has fixed your issues you no longer need this guide and are good to continue on with your life. Tell your party members you will rejoin them once they abandon their quests.

    Step 8: Oh. Your problems haven't been fixed yet? Try different maps because this certain map may be bugged and need a GM fix. If you are still getting nothing then you need to file a ticket to the GMs

    Step 9: Type ~gm <insert message here> in order to alert the GMs that your character is bugged.

    Step 10: BE PATIENT. GMs aren't always online and nothing asks for a ban like harassing GMs or fellow players.

    Happy Mapling and remember kids, Quests are your biggest enemy.

    Forfeit Quests. 
    Change Channel. 
    Leave Party. 
    Change Channel. 
    Make Party Members Forfeit Quests. 
    Change Channel. 
    ~gm <message>. 
    Signed, Dante.

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