Hello! Shortly after I exited the Rose Garden, a friend of mine hopped into the channel I was using. Oddly, after he entered, a bunch of the Frozen Rose mobs spawned on the right side, stacked up, and my Frostprey attacked them. Then, roughly 90 seconds after they spawned, the character who went in after me appeared on the right side. Both the mobs and the character despawned roughly 2 minutes after showing up, and the mobs and character occasionally reappear. Leaving and re-entering the map did fix this issue. I did not experience any lag, D/C or a crash because of this. Below will be gyazo links showcasing my experience. Thank you! I use IMG files, and play in the larger resolution client. https://gyazo.com/6cf86ae2f903930477c6cca14ba5392f https://gyazo.com/40db818da792ffd2fe2613847324cae7 https://gyazo.com/8fe3a7a88e75238407e73d893a81218d