I've heard that one is better than the other, but it's not really definitive. I've just got my Hero to 120 and am still missing 20 dex to equip a Stonetooth Sword. I was planning on getting that 20 dex from a HTP. Although, I've also heard that MoN is better than HTP. Which is it?
in general, for classes that require primary+secondary stats, a 5-6 att mon > 22/22 htp it could take months to get a 5+ att mon, though. the money you give up going for mon instead of bonus in cwkpq could also go towards getting other stronger gear since you want to use a ST and need dex, i would go for a htp. mon is for long term/late game
First of all, the definite advantage of mon comparing to htp is having weapon attacks option on it. more you level up, more you are experienced in this royals, you will understand that weapon attack option itself influences vastly in terms of increasing your own spec of character. So keep this fact in your mind ! Ofc, getting mon which has high attack is not easy. You will have to play cwkpq over and over and over to get 8 weapon attack mon eventually!! before it, and for equipping your stonetooth, obtaining htp which gives us like over 20dexs will be really helpful for you to play well in boss run or grinding until you get decent mon !!
i'd consider any warrior that doesn't use a ST (and taru cape) just a primary stat user so, a pally that doesn't use a ST would definitely benefit more from an 8att mon than a godly htp (even a 40str htp wouldn't be better)