I just finished 5th run for mon and with all these mons the best I get is wa3 zzzz is this normal?????? wasted 500m there
Unlucky, but not too out of the ordinary there is a 6.25% chance that any given MoN is 4 ATK or higher (or 1.25% chance of it being 8 ATK).
I thinks I’ve looted 40+ on my Bucc and none was above 3 Atk so far, also my buddies who relooted with me didn’t get any above 3 Atk You‘re not alone - just keep trying!
looted N mons before i got my 8atk on my dk, soon after another 8 atk on my nl , and 2 more another 8 atk on my bm, guess they come in waves =D keep trying !
I've been looted 3pages full of Mon, dropped them all at once and repeated like 3-4times. After few months, up until today, the best I be got is 5wa, is that normal?
Normal. I spent 2 months getting 3-4 mons per run and the better one was a 7att. A month ago, I looted accidentally and got a 8att lol. On the other hand, my sair went to his first cwkpq and got 8att on the first run kek. Lucky and unlucky days