When you collect a 5 times the same monster card you get an additional buff, mine was +15% exp for an hour. Now if the card drops again and you pick it up, the buff disappears. was such a bummer. And since the new update of 16k nx event, it no longer shows you how many minutes you have to wait to voit again, so I'm never sure wether it will give me nx or not. That's all.
As for the vote timer issue, it is working properly (it may take a while to process due to gtop server problems as of late): If you are still having issues on the matter please post a thread in the Technical Help section.
The EXP buff should not disappear if you pick up another card for that same mob. It will disappear if you complete another set of 5 for a different mob though, as you can only have one of these +15% exp buffs up at one time. Maybe that is what happened?
No, I didn't pick up any card of another mob, was training at the same place. Had like 45 minutes left with the 15% exp buff, and it just disappeared once another card dropped and I picked it up. If it matters, I was training at mesogears: wolfspiders.