Helloo! Not sure how to really explain the issue I'm having but here goes... So I wanted to do the Silver Mane quests seeing that my character and hog levels were sufficient. This is a recently restored character which was deleted some years ago. However when I go and talk to Kenta for the new Silver Mane quest, it shows that the lv.70 Hog quest is still actively going on. It's at the Phromone Perfume quest. Unfortunately Chief Tatamo in Leafre doesn't have that perfume quest available to me to progress further and finish the questline in order to move over to Silver Mane myself. I'm not sure the reason but my guess is that this character had gotten the lv.70 Hog a very long time ago when the questline might have been a little different. The character had reached 4th job in March 2016 (which I'm guessing had the hog mount already by then) while the New Source Mount Questlines were from mid-2017. Would it be possible for me to skip the rest of the quests for the lv.70 Hog and get to Silver Mane questline or start over from the beginning removing my existing one? Here are some screenshots to help with the info given above. Hog Mount level Kenta's quests Kenta's Pheromone Perfume (In Progress) Chief Tatamo available conversations Let me know please <3
Yeah, this affects all mounts from old source since the quest didn't exist then. You'll need to drop your old mount to get the quest to show up.