Hey there mapleroyals! I just wanted to see if there is any thought in amending the monster riding skill quest to either: A) make it not be dependent on 3rd job, or B) make an alternate quest similar to how zakum prequests were handled. I know I'd like to have some furry mobility on my beginner and I'm sure others might as well. Thanks for reading Cheers.
I don't see a reason to deny the unemployed the opportunity to ride a pig with a saddle. Would be quite funny if weapons could stay equipped. See someone running around on a very tall boar carrying a giant, frozen tuna. I'd be in favor of it!
We were discussing this yesterday, and majority of the staff came to a consensus to allow beginners have monster riding skill. But, nothing's confirmed officially yet. So stay tuned!
Thought to bump this up. Officially, we will be implementing this idea in the next update. More details will come in the update note.