Please Admins, tell us what you doing with server to reduce current problem, because, personally, I'm starting to lose patience when server lagging, dcing, crashing for over the week and I don't know you doing something about that or only telling us you doing something. Yes, I'm rude. Info about upgrading/degrading java version and about installing new drivers was nice, because I knew you trying to do something, but now? Server crashing every 4 hours, we have heavy freezes and only info we get is "We working about that, sorry for problems". More information won't speed up server repair, but people, at least, will know what you doing and will be more patient. PS. I know upgrading software is important, but if I good remember, everything went wrong since Java upgrade, so why you won't downgrade it to last stable version?
I don't really see why we need to give in depth details about what we are doing to try and fix the problems. You really think we would leave the server in such a state and not bother working to fix things? We care about the players and of course we are trying our best to figure out what is wrong and fix the problems.
1) It's not really your/our business to know the exact details of what they're doing. 2) You knowing what they're doing to solve the issues is not going to help them fix those issues 3) It's a lot more annoying for them to have to fix the server, to have to handle the issues, than it is for us to withstand a few minutes of lag every hour (or so). It's easier for us to just sit here and wait for the server to come back up, than it is for them to track down the error. Computers, and software, are all very very picky sometimes. Sometimes the smallest thing can cause a cascade of issues and you won't realize it was that small thing because several other things happened at the same time. Have a bit of patience. When the server goes down, go do something else with your time. Go on tumblr, reddit, youtube, or whatever. Go take a walk around the block. Stop to think about how much of a pain in the neck it is for the devs and the GMs and all of the staff team to have to use all of their free time on tracking down and fixing errors - not to mention listening to all the grumpy players.
I think the people that the server problems negatively affect the most are the staff, who just put so much time into making this server a success and then have to see these challenging problems arise. Scalability is a big challenge in programming. The active server population doubled in a very short time.
Sorry for my topics. I had hard time IRL last days and I was very stressed because of this. Sorry again.
I wouldn't mind having a general notice about the situation. It doesn't need to be every piece of code and fix you guys do as you make it out to be. The server crashes often as we all know, and if you are a new player with no hope of a notice anywhere you are just going to quit.
I get you were stressed about the server crashing and all, but that does not give you a valid reason to demand reasons on why the server is crashing, lagging, freezing, etc. The staff team are doing their very best to help the server, like what Matt said, they don't have to go in dept about situations on what's going on.