Hi I got my hog mount pre new source and have been using it sparingly for a while now. 1) When I open my own profile, the taming mob tab is grayed out and I can't see my hog's information. Since I cant check my hog's information, I cant tell if it's level 3 and whether I can start the silver mane quest. So I'm not sure whether I should drop the mount to redo the hog questline in order to show my taming mob tag and then level it up to 3 again(?), issue voiced in this thread: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/new-source-saddle-issue.92815/#post-500523 2)Every time I use a revitalizer, my hog levels up. Every time. Pic 1: hog is tired, revitalizer count at 42 Pic 2: Hog levels up, revitalizer 41 Pic 3: Level up again, revitalizer 40 You cant exactly tell if I just dropped the revitalizer but.. I'll just ask that you trust me that I used it lol. PS I'm not sure if this is a character issue or a bug, I posted it here because guildies say they dont have this problem.