I made a haste/meso up mule in new source and kept it at lvl 84 in order to use haste/meso up and FJ. I grinded at ulu2 for a long time with this mule and everything was fine before the CS patch. Only few minutes ago, I was grinding at ulu2 again and my mule lvled up to lvl85 -_-;; I wasn't watching the mule's screen as I only needed to press the buffs once every while. I have no idea how it got exp from ulu2 mobs as the minimum lvl requirement for leech is lvl85 there. Now I cannot use it as a mule at ulu2... Is there any way it can be reverted to lvl84 if this is confirmed to be a exp glitch? IGN of mule: Hangsung
the Party was comprised of 3 People. 1. My lvl 184 Archmage 2. My lvl 84 Hermit (mule) 3. My friend's lvl 112 Priest (who was OFFLINE and not present in the same map)