My brother uses the same wifi and he cant acces the server, the other acc are mine but fuderoso10 is my brother acc, plz can you unban his acc? I promise I'll not play. He can send photos to the forum in every login. My accs are: halomec11,italoassis,italomec11. halomec11 was banned, the others i did yesterday cause i didnt know that i just cant play (its a player ban not a acc ban, sry). Just let his acc online, thats all. He insisted to send a photo, i dont know if it could be done, so i sent a public link of a fb photo, the content is already public. He's just a kid noob player, dont make any diference in your server, so just think about it. https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd...._=1437085156_bd0e64cc242d866c4456e5896c3049f0
I do not understand, hes banned? just to know, if i use the neithbor wifi its just ok? cause i get two internet points in home, if its mac and ip ban its just possible, it isnt?
what i dont understand is why he's banned. its simple: he have a friend that plays, he will spleep over for play. if you say that i can use other wifi i can do it for him, but it will be hard, you can sit down and do nothing, i solve it, just tell-me if it can be done. the question is not the injustice with him anymore, i do it my own way, just tell me it can be done. he didnt even use my banned acc, he have nothing to do with talking portuguese, and i already intructed him to do not do it. Just tell me what to do.
just write a messenge explaining so i can show my brother why hes banned ramdomly and what he can do about it and its over, god its just a explanation and a support for an issue.