Hey guys! Returning Royals player here. I Played a warrior back on Royals launch. Back then I knew nothing of HP washing and grinded to 12x before I even learned of it. Back then HP washing wasn't that common, even on Royals. Now I am educated on the topic. However, I noticed that a few new ways to increase your characters HP have been included. the quest that gives 1k hp and the daily that gives somewhere between 20-50hp per day. Honestly I don't mind doing the quests, but farming 17k hp to get to max at those rates doesn't seem worth it. I'm now wondering if there is still a way to salvage my Hero. He is currently lvl 129 with 11,512 HP and 996 MP (have not done any HP quests yet). I know that warriors inherently don't need much washing, so I feel bad being unwashed when it is so cheap. Therefore, I am wondering this: Is it possible for me to successfully HP wash a lvl 129 Hero that never had base int or int gear? Via adding base Int now, at such a late level of 129 and using decent int gear. Maybe if I do the normal washing method until 15x or 16x (from 129), it could be enough alongside the HP quests? (not sure of what the recommended HP minimums are for Hero's on royals is). Side note: I also have a 66 f/p on the same account as my Hero. I could level that for the funds needed for all of this. Plus I got 2 white scrolls from an 11 ticket gach run today lol. Also, I can get funds from selling some very old IGN's saved from back in 2014 (current offer on one of them is 1b meso). So I'm not too worried about the washing cost in any case. Thank you for any and all advice, Ooze
a warrior with 996 clean mp can use about 106 aprs (-mp + hp). Considering you're gonna get +52hp every -4mp, you can gain as much as 5.5k hp. that alone will bring you to 17k hp. You can also do fountain of youth quest which gives 1k hp to warrior class.
Thanks for the reply. Do you know the minimum number of MP for a warrior. WI I struggle with such low MP?
All minimum MP formulas can be found here: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/hp-washing-for-new-players.41129/