New F/p Mage in Need of Advice Regarding Luk and Gear

Discussion in 'Help & Advice' started by hoex12345, Apr 4, 2020.

  1. hoex12345

    hoex12345 Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2020
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    Hello guys,

    I've recently made a f/p mage with the intent of selling leech later on. I went shopping for some gear for him and purchased a dark noel with 25TMA (16/9) only to realize afterwards that it had a high luk requirement of 38. I did end up buying a 20TMA red marker soon after realizing this..

    I find it a big waste if I simply sell it back and potentially lose a lot of money if it doesnt sell close to what I bought it for, so:

    My question is:

    1.What will provide me with enough luk to be able to wear the dark noel? Aside from the common zhelm, and dep star, is there just simply no other way besides putting some AP into luk or waiting til late levels to get myself a horntail pendant and krex ring?

    2. Say the only choice I had was adding AP into luk (4 base + 15 zhelm + 5 dep star = 24, with the req of 38, I would add 14 AP into luk) would this affect my damage noticeably?

    3. Is it simply not worth it and the best option currently to just sit with the 20TMA red marker and just sell the dark noel?

    Thank you in advance if anyone provides me with answers.
  2. Halkye

    Halkye Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2019
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    I'm not very experienced with mage gears, since my mages were only made with the intention of selling leech, but will try to answer your questions

    1- I think htp is a must, but you also get a little luk from some gears(robe, shoe, dojo belt)

    2- Every 1 point in int means a little more than 1tma (because of maple warrior), so you will be losing 15ish tma to wear the glove

    3- It is not worth it, since you will be spending 14 on luk just to get 5tma more, losing 9ish tma this way

    Good luck!
    Tsue and hoex12345 like this.

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