Hi! I'm new to MapleRoyals, any suggestion on classes? Any classes to stay away from as a new player, or some classes that are in high demand as of now? Thanks!
Well, I would say Bishop is always the best Class to start off with. - All you need to do is add on to Int ONLY.. No need to HP wash or buy EQs till you're like Lv 120. - Does not need much fundings. - Once you are a bishop, you can sell leech which is really expensive. And you'll find buyers laying all around the floor.. - You can sell leech + level yourself at the same time. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone. - If your computer can withstand boss runs, bishops are of quite high demands too. Because there is no Wheel in the CS, if someone were to die in a boss run, only a Bishop can ress them back. Hope this help!