As title says. New player, desperately need some use inventory space and I have no idea what's even worth keeping or selling. P/C on these please! 10% overall armor dex 30% overall armor dex 10% earring int 60% overall armor luk 60% shoes dex 10% shoes dex 60% shoes jump 10% shoes jump 30% shoes jump 10% gloves dex 60% gloves att 10% gloves att 100% cape int 60% cape int 10% cape int 60% cape luk 60% 1h sword att 10% 1h sword att 10% 1h axe att 70% 1h axe acc 10% 1h bw att 10% dagger att 70% dagger att 60% wand ma 10% wand ma 60% staff ma 10% staff ma 70% staff ma 70% 2h axe acc 60% 2h bw att 70% 2h bw att 10% spear att 10% polearm att 70% polearm acc 60% bow att 10% bow att 10% xbow att 60% claw att 70% claw att 30% claw att 60% knuckler att 10% knuckler att 60% gun att
To my knowledge this is the most up-to-date price guide Best of luck!