Hi all, Could anyone help me price check the current going rate for LeFay Jewel, Lucky charms and a 94 atta kandiva bow with 1 dex/6 speed (0 slots)? Any estimates on these would be greatly appreciated! IGN Streitz
Lefay jewel 1m lucky charms 100k ea can be easily found in fm maple kandiva bow about 50m if you are lucky to find a buyer. I have a 95 kandiva tht ive been tryna sell for 60-70m but i always take it out of my store to put in other more merch efficient stuff
pm me in game if you need help with price checking anything. My ign is Saledor. Unfortunately my buddy list is full atm so just pm me and ill p/c for you when you need help. Unfortunately, to protect my reputation of being a wannabe robin hood i wont be buying anything from you as I want you to have the biggest profit margin possible and that wont be possible if you sell me anything. Good luck and have fun.