Hello everyone appreciate in advance your time! Basic details: Current lvl: 10 Base int: ??? Aimed hp: 12-18k Int equips: 100-120int Rid of int: @135 I have currently lvl10 BM getting int equipments for it maybe 100-120int. Going to add int as soon as possible just adding enough dex to get through job advancements, i'd like to have opinion on that aswell how much dex i need. Should i use apples on job adv.? (I'm leeching my char with bishop) Then next question is how much base int i should get to leave maybe some mp in pool? My goal hp is between 12-18k becous i have not never played bm and dont know how much hp i should wash for it. I'd like to get rid of int @135 to start bossing and leveling. I maybe forgot to say something information for hp wash, but feel free to ask! Thanks for reading, hopefully someone has better calculation skills than me...