Hi guys, I've decided to play mapleroyal for the first time and am looking for a consultation on which character to create (pros & cons). I haven't played this version of ms since... *insert number of years here* I'm looking to either play a F/P, Paladin, or Marksman. Which one should I main? I'm leaning towards F/P, but I'm not sure how party friendly are they. Paladin just because of the 9999 def <3 Marksman because of the piercing skill. I'm looking forward to the communities input^^
If you are brand new to this game I'd recommend making a Bishop (yes I know people, we have enough bishops already) because they make money the fastest with their leech. Although, you could also make an F/P and make some decent money with them as well. Their leech doesn't go for as much as a bishop's but you'll still have a way to fund yourself.