Hey guys so I played Royals couple of years ago but then I got personal stuff to attend to so I stopped playing. This year because of Covid I've came back to maple, previously was hopping around higher version servers but quickly reached the end-game and got bored real quick so here I am back to the OG server. A little bit about myself, I play basketball a lot and I'm pretty good at it! Apart from grinding maple I've bball training and also PT training to keep my body in shape! So usually I'll buy a leech while I workout or video call my gf (overseas) for a couple of hours each day! Hope to meet some new friends here who love to maple! P.S. I love Hero the most! Close second will be Ice Lightning Mage! Booyah!
I love to pay you guys to leech me, work your ass off so I can get my level haha suckers! I'm in a D3-esqe bball team but it's for working adults etc. I'm the #2 option there as a scoring Guard.
Hey there & welcome back! I sell skele leech 2-3 hours daily. Do pm me on forum if you need https://royals.ms/forum/threads/jiun-premium-outlet-s-skele-leech-service.176346/
Hey thanks JJ, definitely! Just what I need, especially if you're selling them daily I'll visit the thread! P.S. Damn you look too ripped and jacked to be a mapler
It's nice to see people who play basketball on here. Due to covid all the courts in my area are closed. If you're at Skele's I don't mind selling you leech as well.