Hey, I read in the forum about MON vs HTP but I'm still confused about it. I will glad to hear your opinion on what is better for NL - MON or HTP. Thanks.
I think mon is better endgame, perfect 8 wa takes many many tries. You can get decent htp after 2~3 tries, also provides dex for red craven/dps/dgs.
it depends on what attack potion you are using. If you are using heartstoppers MoN is better than HTP in dps. If you are using onyx apples. HTP is better than MoN in dps. MoN for range flexing.
not sure where they get that HTP>Mon For NL (lv200) but i used damage calculator on my NL with perfect (clean 28luk 28dex 28str) htp and 8att (9luk 6dex 5str) and not suprisingly , mon > htp for end game at least, a +5 +5 38luk htp 38dex is not even close
yea, the thing is.. mon is better in all category against 38luk htp... with/without echo , with heartstopper, apple, gelt(very close)
Mind showing your findings? This is actually inconsistent with many endgame players (myself included) impression.
I am actually having fun trying to find out this whole mon and htp thing. Here are my stats that i used in the calculator to support my claim: u can copy mine to share ur stats here to see the difference ! thanks
Excess dex gives 0 benefit to triple throw. You need to get rid of additional dex to make it worth it. But optimising for more luk is probably more expensive/grindy so might not really be feasible for all. Anyways, now MoN is definitely better with a perfected auf haven circlet.
just wanted to show that a maxed out htp is still falling short with a decent mon amd also htp can have more range flexing than a mon could
So bringing this back to figure this out. I have 11/11 8 atk MoN. My range with MW20 is higher than with HTP of course. And then after doing TT30 formula with apple, the number comes out to 16,697 as opposed to 16,596.25 with perf HTP chaosed twice. So I'm curious when does the HTP>MoN? (Serious question)
For HTP > MoN, you need to: 1. Get rid of your extra dex by wearing luk earrings/overall/eye etc. Basically removing all extra dex and change it to luk. 2. Have higher wa on cgs as the higher your wa set is, the more luk contributes to damage. In simple terms, the higher your total wa is, the lower the luk:wa ratio will be.
you are not wrong my friend, htp was never better than mon(*), people have to get rid of their stereotyping by tweaking numbers not blindly follow others
My 8luk 8wa mon is just slightly better than my 35luk htp. The difference will bigger as your total wa increase (cgs upgrade or better attack potion). Just based on pure numbers, the 8wa mon is slightly better. But the htp gives a lot more avoidability compared to mon. I have not tested it but I have a gut feeling htp may be better just because you don’t have to reposition as much in certain bosses like ht.