As title stated, I was wondering what class of the two would you prefer for bossing and overall experience. New to this server and have only a 50 assassin right now but reading up to see what I should do. No idea what HP washing is and how to go about it without having to spend to much on AP resets . Anything helps and hope to find someone that will give me some advice. Thanks!
Read all the links i posted in this thread. Might help you a bit .. Also here a link for HP washing. He explains HP washing in great detail.
Wow hp washing is something else. Never knew it was a thing. Probably would have to re read it again or something. Would probably start a new character if anything, but I see you have a lot of experience on shadower, what would you say between the 2 classes? (Dps, playstyle, more fun)
As a person who has played both classes a number of times throughout my maple years (Royals,GMS, or other servers) in terms of bossing and mobility, NL's are more favoured in terms of general DPS (TT+SE etc). As for overall fun, it really depends on the person, sometimes you'll find someone who thinks playing an NL is fun to them and sometimes you'll find someone who thinks playing a Shadower is a playstyle that involves more variety in skills when training/bossing. I personally have found playing a shadower was always more "fun" however I personally choose to main a NL just because I like flash jump and find that I excel better in terms of training/bossing as an NL. Again, to each their own it is your choice in the end, just play whichever you like! TLDR ; NL better bossing in general, shadower more fun cause variety.
Go for whatever you enjoy more. don't go by DPS. my first real char was a NL too. quit him at lvl 175 cuz bored of it. invested way too much into HP washing. could've gotten better gear for my future shadower instead. Also Multi Target = Shadower DPS > NL DPS Single Target NL DPS > Shadower DPS however if you drop mesos at Zak Single Target: Shadower DPS > NL DPS Also if you read this thread you can somehow see what i disliked about NL and what i love about Shadower:
Thanks for the input! I really enjoyed NL for mostly flash jump. I don't know if that is a good reason to stick to the class just off that one skill haha
You really make me want to make a shadower, also the fact that I wanted to play this server so I can scroll and have fun with it and it seems much cheaper to scroll daggers. Would you mind adding me in game and help me out with hp washing if i start it at the very beginning and how to go about it. I'm not very funded yet so would like advice on how to do it.
Here's the HP wash: you should also get some basic int gear, such as a 4-6 int wand 2-4 int earrings 1-2 int spiegelmans necklace 4-6 int cape 10 int bandana 10 int bathrobe ( lvl 20 ) = above 30 int ill check my mules for some leftover basic int gears, u can have it then m8 -So you get 25 base dex as soon as you can so you can become a thief, then lvl up and skill int until you reach 150 base int, then from lvl 33 till 102 you put all into str / dex / Luk -from lvl 103-120 you put all into MP -from lvl 121 you can reset your MP to your primary stats such as str / dex / luk -as soon as you reset your excess MP you can reset your base int to your primary stats such as str / dex / luk
Wow you have been very helpful! Thanks so much for taking your time and giving me these information! Is your in game name same as your forum name?