Can we do something like snowman? Give everybody a claw to make the competition balanced or force everybody to use a certain weapon.
Would it be possible to introduce a "Event Claw" that has separate values from all other weapons and can make all classes throw projectile/melee attack with same range and speed? @Joong
+1 to these suggestions, and I'm not sure if its possible to do but please force dispel all skills on Lobby map so no one can abuse Shadow Partner/Bahamut or anything similar (if it even works or give massive advantages that is)
We have already discussed this. We balance the team based on the range attackers similar to what we did last anniversary event
This is counted as glitch abuse, if you see anyone doing it, please give them a heads up before reporting them (if you want to report!)
the debuff is in effect and I tested myself many times and was unable to smuggle skills in. feel free to report if you witness such misconduct please!
Even so, it still isn't fair because NL weapons have greater speed. Also, this time, it isn't just about winning or losing, it's about picking up the currency too. So a melee class would likely end up killing less and taking much longer to swap the rewards
Melees should equip a fruit knife or a fast attacking weapon to help out with that. I've tested it many times as melee and the difference between a slow wand vs a fruit knife was about 15-20 eggs. All in all, melee with a fruit knife averaged out around 10 eggs less than a ranged so unfortunately that's as balanced as we can get at the moment.
Any classes that have a bow, crossbow, claw or gun equipped (including Shadower and Buccaneers) are treated as ranged, and will be matched with an opposing team with the same number of ranged. If a Shadower or Buccaneer has a melee weapon equipped they will be matched with an opposing team with the same number of melee. The suggestion was that anyone acting as melee should use a fast weapon such as a fruit knife to be able to kill eggs faster.