Hello there, I wasn't sure where to post it, since it isnt an actual character issue, so I figured here should be a fine spot. For some reason in the past 2 weeks or so I stopped receiving notifications(in the website) to all of the threads that I have been watching. For the record, I was following very active threads, e.g "Get It Off Your Chest" so I know for certain that the threads have been active, although I wasn't receiving any notifications the activity. As a very active forum member, any help will be highly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
No, it happens in every thread. I didn't receive a notifications for this one aswell although I made sure I checked Receive notifications+email notifications.
For the record I tried unwatching and then watching again in some threads several times but seems like I'm still not receiving any notifications whatsoever.
I don't see anything wrong with your profile, nor any issues on the backend in the database. I see you are watching some threads where you are signed up to get email alerts and others where you aren't. Have you tried logging out and logging back into the forums again?
Xenforo have had this glitch for the longest time. The same kind of bug happens all the time on different forums using Xenforo. It's just something that fixes itself -- or something that web developers can fix by figuring what's causing the bug.
@John I had some threads watched with email notifications and some without to test out whether I'm just not getting alerts in general. As a conclusion I am getting the email notifications on the threads that I've checked that on, although seems like the alerts on the site are still weird, no idea why. If it's just a random bug I don't mind it that much, just wanted to check whether its fixable or not. Thank you everyone for the quick replies, this community is truly the best.