Spoiler: previously sold items Spoiler: 12att pac c/o 3.85b a/w 4b SOLD Spoiler: 10att fs c/o 4.5b a/w 5b SOLD Spoiler: 9tma 4slot red marker s/b 150m a/w 220m SOLD Spoiler: 15att Green Mittens c/o 1.35b (in game) a/w 1.5b SOLD Spoiler: 34att Dragon Khanjar c/o 2.6b a/w 3.2b SOLD Spoiler: 24/7 Red Pirate Top c/o 470m a/w 499m SOLD Spoiler: 18/9 Red Pirate Pants s/b 180m a/w 240m SOLD Accepting: =420m =420m Disclaimer: I reserve the right to sell or not to sell.