Ok, so the much maligned Homing Beacon skill still does not work. From my testing, it is not just HH that it does not work at but also Papulatus, Bigfoot, and Zakum (meaning probably Horntail as well). The ONLY monster that I have tested it on and it has worked was the Female Boss, and that was a short test (I only killed her about 1/8th of the way then left). Here's what happens: The egg is thrown and the bird (most of the time) appears on top of the monster. It stays there for a few seconds and I get the concentrated fire and damage boost, but then it disappears. It does not seem to have anything to do with whether I get hit or anything, it seems like it just randomly goes away. On very rare occassions, it will last the duration of an HH, but then it will go back to not working on the very next one.
I've found the cause of this issue. It is being affected by the monster spawning. The bird above the monster disappears at the exact moment that monsters respawn in the map. The skill works fine in maps which do not have monsters spawning in them. I should be able to try to figure out a fix for this now hopefully.
We are still working on the fix. It's not as simple as you'd expect it to be. Thankfully Matt has a lead on what we need to do.
Yeah, I noticed it has to do something with mobs but thats not all I think. Today when i was killing Anego I threw egg on her to test it and since I didn't kill any mobs none re-spawned and Bullseye stayed active till she died. then I tried the same in next channels but bullseye was gone within a second every time. With the birthday cakes i noticed something strange as well, if i went to for example CC1 henesys and threw bullseye on it, every next channel i enter in the same map already has bird on the cake & the effect works as well just thought i should post this here, no idea if it helps u in any way =p