It's that time of year for many exams...What are you doing right now to procrastinate having to study for that huge exam you have tomorrow? Me: Eating pizza, reddit, browsing the shitty fm today, watching youtube videos of posterizing dunks. lul.
I'm Easter break... please, no exams. I got a couple in my first week after that though. So ya, got a shitton of time on my hands.
No exams for me but I am really bad at procrastinating when it comes to having to do anything. Unless, since you mentioned it, pizza. Brb ordering pizza, no procrastination required.
I'm not really bad at procrastinating. I'm more of an expert on it. My pile of things to do is becoming the 2nd largest mountain in Sweden. Instead I'm winning JQ events, watching old SC2 VOD's and just being generally lazy. CS 1.6 is always a good distraction <3
playing leauge and watching grimmgreen vlogs while vaping......should really get started on the shat i have to do