Character Name: Table4Two Last thing you did: Be awesome. Why do you think you got banned?: My assets. Ban message when attempting to log in: This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection. What GM banned you (optional): No clue.
Okay well your suspicion is obviously wrong. How do i defend myself? What is it that you are talking about? my shiner, bwg, account, scrolls, dps, rc or perhaps my cape? Never talked/joked about rwt in game or outside of the game. Mind sharing a bit more insight to this? All of my items were clean when I bought them. You can confirm them through your logs.
I was just answering new appeals so people know why they are banned, you'll need to wait for one of the Admins or GM's to say more.
we suspect you of attempting to sell your bow and dragon purple sleeve for currency outside of mapleroyals by a real world trading site
I am not looking to sell them for real world currency. Are you still shooting in the dark or do you have an actual solid proof? If you actually have proof, which i doubt, you can always mosaic the reporters name. Also if I'm selling for real currency, why would i post it on forum here and why not just the rwt site? I mean give me even a little bit of credit.. My shiner was created on saturday and dps on sunday. Ask me literally anything and I can proof that I am not the person who created that website. Have you compared this persons weapon stats to my weapon stats??
I don't recall trying to buy any new sleeves after I bought that one DPS in game. I had bidded to a thread on forums for dps sold by iSlush but then when I was online late at night on Saturday, I saw a smega about another clean DPS which had c/o 13B and a/w for 16B (IGN "BenJaNi"). I immediately a/w that DPS and after the trade I cancelled my bid to the DPS thread through a pm I wrote to iSlush. ( The pm has time stamp of "Sunday at 4:48AM"). EDIT: Added proof of bidding cancel. Added the ingame dps sellers ign
I assume you're talking which big items I made recently. Scrolled various 2att capes with my Shiner funds that I sold for 40B. Best results from these items are 15 & 18 att capes. 15 att cape was sold around 13b. 91/19 RC, scrolled using my funds from the Shiner. RC was sold for 20b in game. Scrolled another 91/19 RC with the funds from the other rc, this one was sold for 19-20b in game Bought one pair of clean bwg. Threw in 30% & chaos. Ended up 7/5. Finished with rc funds and sold on forums for 28B. Bought clean Shiner for 16B and finished with funds from bwg. Shiner is still on forums. Bought 60/11 DPS for 16b in game. Finished with leftover funds from bwg and borrowed about 25-30 ws from my brother Stinde. EDIT: forgot to add the 8/5 BWG(sold for 19b) to list which I made before cravens.
did you trade those items for the white / chaos scrolls that you used to make the next items? if so could you be more detailed
Yes I did trade them to White and Chaos scrolls. Mostly at the equal amount of both, later I transformed those Chaos Scrolls to White Scrolls by offering CS + 20m for WS. I did not always screenshot my trades, cause I never would have believed I'd end up in this situation.. In fact I screenshotted only when I sold my bwg (dude traded me 51CS and 5 WS, which I thought was funny) and when I bought the clean DPS. (cause my friend wouldn't believe I found one for so cheap, bought it for 16B so its 32 chaos scrolls)
what we're looking at is a real world trade post with an ip address from finland attempting to sell a perfect dragon shiner and a dragon sleeve. - you use an ip from finland - you happen to have these two items - you and your brother were online in fm as the seller was showing the items to prove they owned them as far as we checked you are the only person meeting these criteria
Pardon me, this sounds just way too funny. So what you're saying is that you actually have ZERO proof of who that person is and my whole ban is based on a wild GUESS?... You only banned me cause I happen to have those said items & I were online? Which I'm pretty much 24/7 anyway. So some random person created that post on the rwt site, has same items as me, I'm online at some random time and so I must be the seller? First of all, I'm online pretty much always so that is a pretty invalid point. Second of all, anyone could do that. Find the person who you hate, find screenshot of random dps and dragon shiner (or even better, take screenshot of those items when the victim uses item smega), use VPN from victims country, post those items on rwt site, watch your victim get banned. You said the person proved that he has the items, did every stat on the items match mine? You said he was selling PERFECT DPS but mine is only 95/18 and as far as I know 95/20 is a perfect DPS. When was the whole thing created on the rwt site? Was he selling something else too? Like a big list of items & only DPS and shiner were the same items that I have? How did he prove that he has the items? Through a trade or through a picture? If it was a picture, how can you be sure that the picture he showed you is a legit & not a screenshot of item smega or some other forum post? I don't mean to sound disrespectful, but the whole thing just sounds so absurd and I hope you guys realize that too..
the circumstantial evidence lead us to your ban: - the screenshots that were provided to us as a 'buyer' were made on a mule character (whited out) with both the items you have while you were online and didnt have them on your character - its very unlikely that someone would frame you by spoofing an ip from finland while they may not even know where you connect from, make an account to post a rwt thread, actually owns the items you own as well and provide the evidence to that in a full client screenshot on a hidden mule character while you are online, convincingly attempt to sell them through discord conversation. That scenario is way more absurd to us than you/your brother attempting to make a quick buck while trying to play it safe but leaving some leads for us to pick up on.
I think at this point you should show me the rwt post you are talking about, or even a picture of it with a link hidden. Through a PM or this thread. I don't see any reason why you wouldn't do that. Whats the exact time this happened? I've held the items on my FM mule character "Orja" cause I didn't want to accidentally sell them so I hope you checked all of my characters before jumping to conclusions. Orja and Table4Two are my only characters that have held the items, and at any time you if you'd check if I have those items, you would find them on either one. You mentioned he provided full client screenshot, was the mule character visible on the screenshot provided to you by the seller? In case it was, was it anything like mine? This is how my FM mule looks like I moved the items on my BM about 1-3 hour before ban cause I wanted to sell them, therefore I used item smega to try to sell them. There was many questions on my previous reply that you did not answer and I hope you answer those for the sake of this appeal. I didn't mean that someone would necessarily try to frame me, I just pointed out that it seems like its possible for someone to do that if they wish because of how loosely you came to this decision in my case. I mean this is your problem right here, immediately assume that I am the bad guy with the half ass proof you have. Theres literally nothing pointing to me except the fact that I was online and own DPS and shiner, and if that is enough proof for you then thats fucked up and I think everyone would agree with me. I have never seen anyone get banned this loosely. Think you just should admit that you did not handle the reasoning behind this ban properly and made a mistake.
we explained the circumstances of your ban and haven't been convinced otherwise, you also seem to keep skipping over some of the points we made for example the same country of origin. we're not going to show you evidence of the screenshots that we collected since we're not obliged to nor do we do that for these kinds of cases.
Its like you read the first sentence of my post and ignore the rest. I am not the only one from Finland, there has been hundreds of players from Finland. We once had a guild 100/100 full of Finnish people and we had to reject people too cause we couldn't fit everybody in. Since you are not showing me the evidence, I'm gonna rely on the thread that everybody keep linking to me. The thread in which the seller is also selling sky skis. That dude got banned for scamming people, he had multiple accounts on the site & is known to have put items on the thread that he does not have. He tells the buyer go first and blocks them after the payment. and guess whats the best part, forum says he is from Finland BUT he was confirmed to be FROM ESTONIA. This also proves that you cannot trust on what the website says the origin is. Finland ≠ Estonia. If you actually read this far, you also can read the scam report of the dude on the rwt site.