Hello, I am looking for price checks on the following: -12, 7, and 5 matk clean Purple Gaia capes -105 TMA Maple Shine Wand (no slots) -101 TMA Elemental Wand 3 (no slots) -95 TMA Elemental Wand 4 (no slots) -148 and 143 TMA clean Elemental Wand 6
Here's a relative price check on a few things you listed! Purple Gaia Cape (12m.att - 350 to 400m) (7m.att - 30m) (5m.att - 10m) Elemental Wand 6 (148m.att - 5 to 10m) (143m.att - worthless) Yellow Adventurer Cape (10int - 50m) (12int - 80m)