Overall Armor Dex 10% Overal Armor Dex 70% Overall STR 70% Overall STR 30% Gloves DEX 10% Gloves ATT 60% Gloves ATT 70% O.h Sword ATT 60% T.h Axe ATT 10% Spear ATT 10% P.arm ATT 10% Bow ATT 30% C.bow ATT 10% C.bow ATT 30% Claw ATT 10% Knuckler ATT 10% The Items: https://preview.filehostingsite/kbsOpa/Prices.png I know, I'm a noob. have no clue about the prices, sry for that
Overall Armor Dex 10% 1m Overall STR 30% 10m Gloves ATT 60% 2m Gloves ATT 70% 4~5m Bow ATT 30% 14m C.bow ATT 30% 1~2m among the items, only the Black Versel Materia worth something like 40m. gl