100%: Cape for HP Gloves for M. ATK Cape for INT Helmet for ACC 60%: Overall for STR Bottomwear for DEX 10%: Face Accessory for Avoidability Claw for ATK Earring for INT Gloves for DEX TY!
anything HP / MP / DEF is usually worthless, but some people like to buy them for around 100k each. the only scrolls that can get you something is the bottomwear for dex 60%, which can go for 13-14m and the earring int 10% for 5-6mil. if you have any scrolls you'd like a price check on, you can use Plenty's scroll guide: http://royals.ms/forum/threads/scroll-price-guide.15253/ the prices on it are reasonable, maybe give or take a mil at most. if a scroll that you'd like to check isn't on the guide, it's probably because it has little to no value.