Anyone have or is going to get a PS4 in the future? If so what is your #1 game you are looking forward to that is going to come out in 2014-2015? Post only ONE game so that other people can have a turn x). Mine would be Kingdom Hearts 3 <333
FFXV all the way, closely followed by KH3. Not gonna buy a PS4 till either of these come out actually.
I like how people are actually mentioning one game (sarcasm intended), I'll follow the trend though. I can't wait for KH3, Little Big Planet 3(I loved all the previous ones--especially online with friends) andddd Far Cry 4 is probably going to be amazing. On a side note: I think the decision to port over to PS4 for Day-Z was a horrible idea considering the game is still in early access and buggy to no end but, I'm sure it was done for all the potential $$$$.
KH3. Then again I bought a ps3 for KH3, back in the day. I'll skip this time around, save me the 400-500 euros, and play it at a friend's house. Someone's bound to get it anyway.
Far Cry 4 could also be a reason for me to get one, I loved Far Cry 3 and 4 looks even more promising. Will first have to play it at a friend though before I'll actually think about buying one myself