Character Name: 0nMyM1nd Last thing you did: Megaphone Why do you think you got banned?: I said HOMOPHOBIC SLUR in the megaphone text and didn't think i'd get banned for it no warning or anything. Ban message when attempting to log in: explicit language What GM banned you (optional): Sorry I didn't know I'd get banned for saying explicit language, I think a warning message would be more appropriate for this than a ban though, an unban would be great and I'll be sure to not do it agian, thanks.
I don't understand the point to it though, I am new to the server and I used to play ms all the time so there was no need for me to read the description on the mega phone. I was completely unaware of the consequences. Even if I do have to serve this ban I think this could be handled much better on your server. I already understand the point to the punishment now so being banned for 3 days teaches me literally nothing. In my opinion it's a pointless ban and if I were you guys I would only ban if it were repetitive behavior or just prohibit the use from that language from the smega not an auto-ban. It's just completely unnecessary and quite an overkill. Also don't appreciate the short response back; it didn't explain much and wasn't specific at all.
Did you even bother to read our rules upon registering? You agree to our rules when you register to our server. There are only two forbidden words. You used one of them, so you will remain banned. We do not tolerate homophobic language. I suggest you read our rules before coming off your ban