Hi, While building un-official library, i found there is a discrepancy between skills description and the actual in-effect skill property i.e. Mana Consumed/Damage % / Duration. e.g. Bandit Double Stab (lvl20) shows skill desciption of "MP -14; damage 130%" , but the actual is 140 ? There might be an more serious case where a typo could happen: e.g. F/p Poison Breath (lvl29) has 58sec poison duration, while (lvl30) only has 40sec? Please validate... thanks. Summary of my observation: Skill Id - Job - Skill Name - URL - Remarks 4001334 Rogue Double Stab https://royals-library.netlify.app/skill/id=4001334 3001004 Archer Arrow Blow https://royals-library.netlify.app/skill/id=3001004 1111002 Crusader Combo Attack https://royals-library.netlify.app/skill/id=1111002 1201006 Page Threaten https://royals-library.netlify.app/skill/id=1201006 2101005 wizard f/p Poison Breath https://royals-library.netlify.app/skill/id=2101005 lvl29 3210001 Sniper Mortal Blow https://royals-library.netlify.app/skill/id=3210001 3221006 Marksman Blind https://royals-library.netlify.app/skill/id=3221006 lvl25 onwards 5201002 Gunslinger Grenade https://royals-library.netlify.app/skill/id=5201002 mpCon 5210000 Outlaw Burst Fire https://royals-library.netlify.app/skill/id=5210000