Okay so I used the search function and checked the Bugs & Current Bugs & Glitches thread and didn't find this one. I was doing the El Nath PQ to obtain stance. I looked the PQ up and apparently you need to protect tylus for more than 3 minutes to complete the quest. Now I tried soloing it and upon my third attempt, I was warped to the reward map before the 9:00 mark. In other words, the timer didn't reset and I could complete the quest without really protecting him for the whole time needed. Upon turning in the quest, I accidentally clicked the option to warp back in again. When I left trough the top portal tough, the timer stayed on screen: After waiting for a couple of minutes, I was transported to the reward map again, this time without having to do the PQ at all. So long story short, you can complete this PQ without even having to do it.