Hihi, i downloaded the new server but some quests are still not fixed, hope admins can take note! 1) Find Fresh Milk Clicked on Tangyoon to start quest but he doesnt give you the milk bottle. Cannot enter stable as well. 2) Help Me Find My Glasses Found Abel's glasses but when you click on him to complete quest, nothing happens. 3) Eliminate Monsters from the Site Recurring problem since last year, cannot complete quest. 4) Truth of the Rumor (Blah person) Every NPC involved in this quest doesnt start quest when clicked on. 5) Joining Zenumist Nothing happens when strange bottle is dropped. The bottle doesnt disappear. 6) Humanoid Just Wants to be Human Second part of the quest where may mist is needed. I got 5 (and many more) may mist from Homunculus but Humanoid doesnt let me complete quest. and some other recurring quests Thank you!
Why are you posting it here if it is for the beta? We have the beta section, https://royals.ms/forum/forums/bug-reports.90/ Also all of these have been reported.