I have had some issues logging in, but one of my alts works, so I was questing a bit in ludibrium with them. However, I discovered what seems to be a bug: breaking background objects doesn't seem to be dropping anything like it should. Two places I tried were: the boxes in ludibrium toy factory, which drop machine parts, mesos, etc Dollhouse quest (which drops the pendulum after you hit the right dollhouse and the door opens) I haven't tried other breakable objects, like the witchgrass in kerning city swamp or the ferns in ellinia. But the quests in ludibrium are unfinishable if the background objects don't drop quest items. I suspect it might be related to the quest item fix, to make quest items stop dropping when you reach the requirement? It's not just bad luck, I know for a fact the dollhouse quest always drops the pendulum if you hit the right dollhouse and the door opens. I know what the right one looks like, and I've opened the door 5 times with no pendulum drop. Most likely a fix to this 8/27 update will include several fixes, I just want to make sure this fix is included.