Hi fellow maplers, I want to find out which equips give the best clean stats dropped from monsters. I know most of you will say go check mapleroyals library or hidden street database.. But the hidden street and royals database shows incorrect stats compared to what we actually get from drops in mapleroyals. For example i want to find out what the max base dex is for a brown studded top (lvl 70 thief top). It says DEX +4 (3-5) on the hiddenstreet database and DEX +4 in mapleroyals database. But i found a 8 and 9 dex one today in royals. That means equips that is dropped by mobs have a chance to get higher stats then shown in the database. So the equips here are a bit buffed compared the old maple database. Im assuming this is a royals custom thing perhaps? Where can i see the droplist/stats of these? Thanks
if you're on a computer hover over the stats and it'll show you the godly stats. here's some information on the godly system https://royals.ms/forum/threads/godly-items-explained.1312/
Okay i checked it out. So its the same as normal but just with a buff of 0-5 extra stats on each point possible. Thanks, i get it now