The range for barrage is really short while ds is slightly further. When using this combo I tend to get hit by monsters a lot during ds animation. Am I doing this wrong? XD should I just be using corkscrew blow + ds + energy blast for grinding? Currently still 12x! I’ve also seen people mention Barrage + demo for bossing, but the range for barrage is so short, does it make sense, albeit there are iframes for this combo? Or do I barrage + demo at short range and demo only at Long range? The only boss I’ve attempted is pap for time leap skill haha. I can’t seem to get barrage work for me. Any advice is welcomed!
Energy blast + dragon strike is good for grinding. Barrage tends to be not so good for grinding because it only kills one at a time and makes your dps unbalanced, when you want it to be split evenly among all mobs. I would just use corkscrew / backspin to gather mobs, but actually kill with either energy blast + dragon strike or shockwave + dragon strike (which unironically has niches even at late 4th job). Of course, if you are 125+, you may also want to try to find a partner to do papaltus with, as should be decent exp compared to grinding. Barrage + demo is a continuous iframe from the beginning of barrage to end of demo, and with max bubble you aren't getting knocked around that much. If you want to quickly reposition for barrage (for example in zak), you can just use corkscrew or backspin to do so after the demo. You do demo only either at very high range on apple, or in situations where barrage lacks range like ht arms and zak top right arms.
The main combo is ds snatch but snatch is a late game skill, before that you can use ds/shockwave or ds/energy blast etc