Hi guys, might be a silly question but hoping you can assist. Using the Maple Royals library i've been stat checking drops etc for the god tier stats & also what drops them. When look up purple gaia cape: 1. Doesnt show any MATK but I swear all PGCs have some form of MATK? 2. Says the only drop is P.Slime but when I follow the link it says No results.. Any info would be greatly appreciated!
it has a range from 5-12 MA and only comes from M.Shrine gacha. Library is severely outdated, don't bother
its actually quite easy to get from the shrine gacha too. i got it a few times from there. the purple adventurer one for lvl 50 is also good, i think m.att is almost the same. but idk if that one comes from shrine gacha too or not.