Closed Re-opening year-old case

Discussion in 'Ban Appeal' started by Casey, Nov 12, 2017.

  1. Casey

    Casey Member

    Nov 10, 2016
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    Character Name: deadmauu5
    last thing you did: sitting in FM
    Why do you think you got banned?: I was accused of account sharing but i swear to god i did not
    Ban message when attempting to log in: your account has been banned permanently

    Previous thread for this ban:

    It has been almost a year since the ban of my account and up till now, I honestly think that it was very harsh to ban my account for something trivial that I had done. I carelessly allowed my brother to use my account for around 45mins just because he saw me playing maple and he got nostalgic as well, and that unfortunately led to the ban. I had absolutely no intention of breaking any rules whatsoever and I have never ever broken any rules in the game before besides this honest mistake. I accepted my misdoing and begged for a temporary ban at least but to no avail. I hereby deeply request for my account to be unbanned; it has already been a year. I love this server and would like to return to the game and this was my only account. Would an admin please take a look at my case? I appreciate. Thank you!
  2. Eli

    Eli Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2013
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    ht n chill
    The mistake you made warrants a permanent ban so unfortunately nothing can be changed.

  3. Casey

    Casey Member

    Nov 10, 2016
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    Thanks for the reply. But it was only for less than an hour! And I did not know that letting my brother play around for a short while = account sharing. You can check every speech patterns or whatever it was always the same because i am the only one who uses this account and no one else. Please understand
  4. Casey

    Casey Member

    Nov 10, 2016
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    Please understand, I had no knowledge that this would equate to account sharing
  5. Kai

    Kai Donator

    Sep 11, 2015
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    Please understand that we're just doing our job by enforcing the rules. Unfortunately for you, you broke one of the major rule, and as stated under the registration clause, it is deemed that you've read and understood our terms and conditions when you registered your account.

    So your ban will remain as it is.
    Hamburg likes this.
  6. Casey

    Casey Member

    Nov 10, 2016
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    Hi Kai, Thanks for taking the time to read this case. If you don't mind, I would like to explain my case on why it should not have been, at the very least, a permanent ban. Please allow me to make my case. I would like to prove that yes i have accidentally broken the rule but not in the sense of a permanent ban-punishment. Note: the following quotes are from the written rules on the website:

    "10. Account Sharing
    - The act of sharing your account information with any other individual, or the act of logging into or otherwise using an account owned by another person, with or without permission, regardless of whether or not the information was directly or indirectly shared. Punishment: First offense - 30 day ban, Second offense - Permanent ban. Please be aware that, in cases of severe abuse as per discretion of staff, we reserve the right to respond with a permanent ban regardless of if it is your first offense. See appendix for more information."

    This offense was my first and the only time that i have 'broken' any rules ever which warrants a 30 day ban ( I have waited one year). I also understand that "in cases of severe abuse" you guys "reserve the right to respond with a permanent ban". I would like to know how my case is considered severe abuse. This Brings us to part 2 under the 'appendix'.

    Part 2:

    Under appendix
    "10. Account Sharing -
    This rule was altered in October of 2014 to respond to the growing number of people abusing the ability to share accounts for a variety of purposes that we deemed unacceptable. Eight scenarios for which account sharing will be considered an immediate permanent ban are the following:
    1. Using power-levelling services;
    2. Two or more people taking turns in levelling up a character (ie: training);
    3. Logging onto someone else's character in order to leech your own;
    4. Removing items from or deleting someone else's character;
    5. Giving an account with a high-levelled character on it to someone else;
    6. Committing a bannable offence (other than just account sharing) on someone else's account;
    7. Wasting staff time by lying about the account sharing;
    8. Sharing your account details with multiple people."

    To answer the question that was posed in part 1, my category might have fallen under no. 2: "Two or more people taking turns in levelling up a character (ie: training);". In my case--where you can check the records and history of my character-- my brother only used it for less than hour before the ban, in which part of it was him checking out the skills in Henesys Hunting Ground to checkout the skills of a chief bandit. If it were technicalities then it would be 'training'. However, My chief bandit was around level 90; Which level 90 character would 'train' at henesys hunting ground? With all due respect, and ethically speaking, I feel that this should not constitute to 'training'.

    What i have written were the absolutely truth and I hope you will be understanding and ethical in handling my case besides the technicalities. I am no lawyer but in any cases of the rules of law, it is known that ethics play a big part in making the rules justified. I only seek fair justice, hence me my making my case. Please consider my case and handle it ethically. Once again, thank you for taking the time to read my explanation. Hope to talk to you soon.
  7. Kai

    Kai Donator

    Sep 11, 2015
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    With all these contradicting posts, I'm not sure if your story checks out.

    And regarding what you quoted, you broke the rules that are highlighted in red.

    Under appendix
    "10. Account Sharing -
    This rule was altered in October of 2014 to respond to the growing number of people abusing the ability to share accounts for a variety of purposes that we deemed unacceptable. Eight scenarios for which account sharing will be considered an immediate permanent ban are the following:
    1. Using power-levelling services;
    2. Two or more people taking turns in levelling up a character (ie: training); <- Self-explanatory. Does not matter if a level 90 training at HHG or not.
    3. Logging onto someone else's character in order to leech your own;
    4. Removing items from or deleting someone else's character; <- Your brother removed an item from your account by selling it without your knowledge, when the account doesn't belong to him.
    5. Giving an account with a high-levelled character on it to someone else;
    6. Committing a bannable offence (other than just account sharing) on someone else's account;
    7. Wasting staff time by lying about the account sharing; <- Again, this points back to your contradictory posts.
    8. Sharing your account details with multiple people."
    absolian and 87Karlos like this.

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