Re: Will This Bandit Work?

Discussion in 'Help & Advice' started by BlizzBoss, Jul 10, 2020.

  1. BlizzBoss

    BlizzBoss Donator

    Mar 1, 2018
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    Los Angeles
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    I decided to re-roll my Bandit, but this time incorporating base-int with intent to reach the goal of 12,500 HP by 135.

    I have calculated that if I have 12,500 HP at 135 + 1,452 (Natural HP Gain from 135-200 for Shadower) + 200 (Medal) + 300 (Black Belt) +500 (Hp Quest) + 150 (2 Carat Lovebirds Wedding Ring) = 15,102 HP at lvl 200 or 30,204 effective HP with Meso Guard

    This is how I am attempting to calculate (Please comment if you notice error)

    Goal: 12,500 HP at lvl 135
    Shadower would have 4,963 Base HP at 135 given NO WASHING....
    12,500-4,963= 7,537 HP needed
    7,537 HP/ 22HP (Average gain with fresh AP) = 342.6
    So I need 343 Washes wish fresh AP (70 LVLS of fresh AP) by lvl 135 to reach 12,500 HP

    343 (washes required) * 12 (MP needed per wash) = 4,116 MP Required
    MIN MP for 135 Shadower is 2,024, MIN MP cannot be used to wash...
    So I need 2,024 + 4,116 MP = 6,140 MP by lvl 135

    So I need 6,140 MP by lvl 135 to do 343 washes to reach 12,500 Base Hp at target lvl.
    I also have +110 INT gear / MW20 that will help me accumulate base MP as I go, but to my understand this will not effect MP washing

    I have read all the literature pertaining to HP, MP, and Double Washing but I struggle to understand

    1. Do I need to double wash (HP + MP Wash) to reach my needed 6,140 MP by 135
    2. Is 240 base int appropriate ? (I chose this because 240 base= 24 mp gain from MP wash which is enough for 2 washes, it just seems reasonable)
    3. Do you know any mathematical technique to calculate ideal Base Int?

    I ran my current stats through @Shiyui 's Calculator and played with values a bit in attempts to answer my own questions. Here are the results

    First run I included MP Washing and program recommended

    Second run I excluded MP washing it actually lowers my cost a bit

    Last edited: Jul 10, 2020

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