as the title states i recently registered an account but when i tried to log in the game wont recognize it. am i missing a step or is this an on going issue?
Try logging in on the website with those details. If you can, it sounds like you somehow have the wrong client. Ensure you are using the latest files and client (mapleroyals.exe)
i can log on fine through the site, game wont let me on though. its 0.62 fresh from the downloads link
still can log in through the site, not on maple. my mapleroyal folder is completely separate from gms, and i have no other servers installed. ive redownloaded both windows files from the downloads page and the issue still persists. any solutions?
What is the exact error message you are getting? The account name is incorrect? Or the password is incorrect? Edit: Did you choose a very long password by any chance?
This is not a registered ID. Please Check again. ive made a second account to see if it was the first, both fail to work. passwords are both short
I changed your password temporarily and was able to log in fine. I reverted it back now... The ONLY way that it would say that the account is incorrect is if you have typed it wrong or are using the wrong client. So I'm not sure =/ Edit: I'd try deleting other versions of MapleStory on your computer and starting fresh. Maybe there are registry entries from other versions which are causing this to happen.
glad to see its on my end i suppose. the only prompt i get is "The account is not Registered" perhaps the server isnt for me?
I'd assume you would get the same message with any other servers you attempt to play. I would do my suggestion and delete all traces of maplestory from your computer and try again. I'm sorry but there really isn't anything else I can suggest =/